20 21
A Year of Reconnection
We celebrated the milestones of reintroducing opportunities to be together in person, including adoption orientations and trainings, special events and fundraisers, community outreaches, and our annual Gladney Adoption Day. It was so good to be back together!
We often talk about adoption involving a love without limits on the part of everyone who cares for the child: birth parents, adoptive parents, extended family members, and friends.
In a related way, Gladney’s Family for Life promise to all of our clients means there is no time limit on our support … it is lifelong. Whether an adoptee is 22 or 80, a birth parent is 36 or 70, or an adoptive family welcomed their child into their home last week or a decade ago, they can contact us, and our Post Adoption Services team will provide them with a listening ear, guidance, connection to resources, and logistical help.
In 2021, you provided stability for Gladney and the clients we serve. Thank you! You helped us remain present for them. Now we can evaluate needs, dream for the future, and see where collaboration will take us together. 2022 will mark Gladney’s 135th anniversary and will also include the development of a 10-year strategic plan. We will be honoring the past, embracing the present, and celebrating and preparing for the future. We look forward to sharing more with you!
A Message from Gladney President & CEO, Mark Melson, and Gladney Center Board Chairman, Laura Wheat
Creating Bright Futures Through Adoption.

For the sake of the children and those who love them, Gladney is dedicated to creating the finest adoption experience possible.
The Gladney Why
Gladney believes every child deserves a loving and caring family.

- Fort Worth (Headquarters)
- Amarillo
- Austin
- Dallas
- Houston
- Lubbock
- Midland
- Colorado Springs
- Brandon
New York
- New York
North Carolina
- Greenville
- Oklahoma City

Gladney President & CEO
Mark Melson

Service Awards Luncheon

5-Year Service Award:
Emily Byford, Caseworker, Domestic Infant
Evangelina Gamez, Receptionist, Administration
Elizabeth Garza, Regional Birth Parent Caseworker, West Texas
Amanda Herron, Lead Options Counselor, Admissions
Yvonne Munoz, Options Counselor, Admissions
Ella Smith, Caseworker, Colombia
Mary Ann Stephens, On-Call Residential Coordinator, Gladney Home
Kerry Tobar, Lead Educator, AdoptED
15-Year Service Award:
Heather Beasley, Vice President, Human Resources
Kristin Porter (Not Pictured), LCSW Supervisor & Home Study Caseworker
Ashley Whiteside, Director, Domestic Adoption
Staff Appreciation Luncheon

Ruby Lee Piester Award Co-Winners:
Susanne Smith, Donor Relations Manager
Ann Spriggs, Case Manager, Gladney Home
Employee of the Year:
Employee of the Year Runners-Up:
Victoria Azocar, Program Assistant, New Beginnings
Ann Spriggs, Case Manager, Gladney Home

Hear from Our Team
Never Stop Learning

We Impacted the lives of 205 children.
Children Adopted through Our Domestic Infant Adoption Program
Children Served Through Our Waiting Child Programs
- 55 children adopted from state foster care
- 51 children available for adoption in Taiwan assessed and advocated for through our virtual Superkids Programs
- 15 children adopted from international orphanages and foster homes
- 13 from Taiwan
- 2 from Colombia
- 14 teen girls in state foster care served in Gladney Home Program
- 7 children adopted through private adoptions (older children and medically fragile infants)
- 6 children with special needs in an orphanage in Ethiopia provided with nurturing caregivers, medical care, and nutrition
- 5 children in state foster care placed with foster-to-adopt families
expectant mothers inquired about adoption services.
Expectant Mothers Chose to Be Admitted to Gladney’s Adoption Program
- 27 average age of expectant mother clients
- 37% of expectant mother clients have other children

We provided guidance and resources through 7,238 post adoption connections with 1,070 adoptive parents, 991 birth parents, 390 adult adoptees.
5,000+ teenagers, parents, teachers, doctors, nurses, social workers, and other professionals across the U.S. were provided with adoption education through:
231 outreach connections
AdoptED Virtual Classroom reached 202 high schools
26 Gladney University trainings

130+ volunteers donated 24,000+ hours of service,
including our Transitional Care families, who provided 694 days of care for 23 babies, and our Superkids Program volunteers, who advocated to find adoptive families for waiting children in Taiwan.
Hear from Our Team
Focus on Connecting

Family for Life
Adoption is a lifelong journey. Meet a few people who want to share their personal experiences, hopes for their children, lessons learned along the way, and connections made.
Bright Futures Commencing
Love Without Limits
Hear from Our Team
Celebrate Growth

Value of the endowment as of August 31, 2021
Total amount contributed by donors in FY 2021
* Not including special events or Paycheck Protection Program grant1,976
Total # of gifts in FY 2021
Total # of donors in FY 2021
*Including support from Endowment
26% Adoption Programs – $3,469,192
- 20% Domestic Infant Adoption Program – $2,687,934
- 4% Adoption from Foster Care Program – $486,811
- 2% International Adoption Program – $294,447
2% Gladney Home Residential Foster Care Program – $224,340
31% Development Revenue – $4,127,140
- 24% Donor Contributions – $3,208,027
- 6% Paycheck Protection Program Grant – $849,300
- 1% Special Events, net – $69,813
*not including The 2021 Gladney Cup
38% Investment Income, net – $5,063,820
- Dividends and Interest – $835,821
- Realized Gains – $1,533,412
- Unrealized Gains – $2,757,746
- (Investment Fees) – (63,159)
3% Adoption.com Website Advertising Revenue – $453,087
49% Adoption Programs – $5,236,397
- 35% Domestic Infant Adoption Program – $3,730,177
- 8% Adoption from Foster Care Program – $880,795
- 6% International Adoption Program – $625,425
17% Communication/Outreach – $1,827,008
14.5% Administration – $1,563,351
7.5% Gladney Home Residential Foster Care Program – $810,423
7% Fundraising – $786,351
5% Post Adoption & Client Services – $557,292
65% Investments – $29,253,105
24% Property & Equipment – $10,475,527
8% Intangible Assets – $3,571,305
1% Beneficial Interest in Trust – $538,114
2% Other – $1,019,640
- Cash – $655,742
- Prepaid Expenses – $234,488
- Accounts Receivable – $129,410
62% Note Payable – $4,321,701
29% Accounts Payable and Accrued Expenses – $2,027,155
6% Deferred Adoption Fee Revenue – $424,345
2% Line of Credit – $100,000
1% Other Liabilities – $43,520
Financial Contributions
Contributions by Program
74% Unrestricted
*Including Paycheck Protection Program grant
15% Education and Outreach
4% Domestic Infant Adoption Program
2% Campus Improvements
1% Adoption from Foster Care Program
1% Gladney Home Residential Foster Care Program
1% International Adoption Program and Humanitarian Aid
1% Post Adoption Services
1% Other
66% Individuals
22% Government
*Including Paycheck Protection Program grant9% Foundations/Trusts
3% Corporations
Contributions by Constituency
net raised through Special Events in Fiscal Year 2021
(not including The Gladney Cup 2021)
In 2021, we were excited to celebrate together and support Gladney’s mission through 4 special events:
Gladney Night at Six Flags in Arlington, Texas
2,350 Guests
The Gladney Cup at Oakland Hills Country Club in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
224 Golfers and 176 Guests
#TeamGladney Charity Runners at the TCS New York City Marathon in New York, New York
11 Runners and 3 Additional Fundraisers
Virtual Dining and Dancing with Daddy in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
18 Dads and 32 Daughters

The 12th Gladney Cup Golf Tournament was held at Oakland Hills Country Club* in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. 224 golfers participated in the tournament, and we had a total of 400 guests at The Champions Reception at the Daxton Hotel. We enjoyed watching a special performance by the Detroit Youth Choir and hearing Tom Izzo, who is the Michigan State Basketball Head Coach and an adoptive father, speak. We are grateful for our loyal supporters, who have formed friendships at The Gladney Cup through the years and who make the event a fun time of reconnection, as well as new participants who learned about Gladney’s mission for the first time. All showing their giving hearts and belief in Gladney, funds raised during the weekend exceeded $740,000 net.
* Due to a recent fire, Oakland Hills Country Club suffered an unimaginable loss. The staff, members, and community of OHCC are in our thoughts and prayers, as they navigate the days to come and create a path forward.
The Gladney Cup 2021 Recap
Gladney Adoption Day 2021
Hear from Our Team
Remain Ready

In 2021, we learned to focus on what we could control and remain ready for the moment we could do more. When international borders remained closed, we were able to work with our partners in Taiwan, so we could send care packages and creatively gather information about waiting children who are depending on us to continue adoption advocacy here in the U.S.
Knowing someone cares makes ALL the difference. You, our donors, make the difference of us knowing there is support for Gladney’s mission and for all of us who are involved in the important, daily work of giving a child the essentials of a prepared, stable, and healthy family. For that, I will always be grateful.
Thank you
Hear from Our Team
Press Forward

Gladney Center Board of Directors
Outgoing Members:
- Gregory Castanias
- Ashley F. Stern
Incoming Members:
- Eliza Gaines
- Stacy Johnson
- Laura L. Wheat, Chairman
- Mark L. McLeland, Past Chairman
- Roger L. Metz, Chairman-Elect
- Mark Melson, President
- Stephanie Perdue, Secretary
- James H. Unger, Treasurer
- Fernando Beltran
- John Covington
- Alfred C. Dezzi
- Mary Beth Dudley
- Kenneth H. Heitner
- Carolyn Hood
- Robin Kochel
- Adrian B. Liddiard
- Kathleen M. Marsal
- Stacey J. Reynolds
- Anne Reysa
- John Thrailkill
- Jeremy Tilley
- James Tyler
Gladney Fund Board of Directors
- Stephen Maresco, Chairman
- Frank R. Knapp, Past Chairman
- Daniel P. Connally, Secretary
- Andrew M. Alexander
- Kevin S. McCarthy
- Cullen L. Thomason
- Barry C. Twomey
Executive Team
Outgoing Member:
- Jaye Helm, Senior Vice President, Finance
Incoming Member:
- Raymond Best, Senior Vice President, Finance

This year, we’re moving forward with new determination. We hope you continue to sustain our mission by turning your compassion into action. Below, discover new ways you can support Gladney in 2022: